

Node selection in simulation grid
摘要 仿真网格是一个将网格技术和建模与仿真技术相结合的网络化仿真平台,节点选择是提高仿真网格下仿真执行性能的重要手段.根据仿真网格下资源异构性的特点,提出一套形式化的节点性能评价标准,以此标准为依据建立节点选择的数学模型,并给出选择最优节点集合的节点选择算法.算法实验表明,该算法以节点的计算能力为优先考虑,同时顾及节点之间的通信性能,并能够回避通信性能参差不齐时好的通信性能掩盖住差的通信性能的情况,能够起到提高仿真执行效率目的. Simulation grid is a networked simulation platform by combining modeling and simulation (M&S) technology and grid technology. Node selection is an important method to increase the performance of simulation execution in simulation grid. Based on the feature of resource heterogeneousness in simulation grid, a formula appraising criterion for node selection was proposed, a mathematic model for node selection was built on the appraising criterion, and finally a node selection algorithm was designed. Experiment result shows that the algorithm puts emphasis on selecting nodes with good computation capacity, communication performance a- mong nodes is considered at the same time, and the situation where good communication performance overlaps poor communication performance is avoided in this algorithm. So the node selection method is able to achieve the purpose of raising simulation execution efficiency.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期56-60,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 国家863计划信息领域专项资助项目(2004AA104330)
关键词 仿真网格 高层体系结构(HLA) 节点选择 simulation grid high level architecture (HLA) node selection
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