
组合服务控制流测试 被引量:1

Testing control flow of composite service
摘要 结合Web服务本体语言(OWL-S,Web Ontology Language for Services)和线性时态逻辑理论(LTL,Linear Temporal Logic),研究用于测试的组合服务流程形式化描述方法和动态测试信息分析方法.将OWL-S作为组合服务的需求参考模型,采用组合服务标准和形式化描述方法相结合的方式,用线性时态逻辑刻画OWL-S控制结构的动态语义,明确地表示出控制结构中各成分的执行顺序.进一步用线性时态逻辑公式集合描述组合服务的控制流需求,从而使原子服务的交互模式有了明确的表示.基于这种交互模式表示,采用LTL在有限状态序列上的语义,对组合服务实现执行过程中获取的动态信息进行分析,测试组合服务实现的执行过程与组合服务控制流需求的一致性. OWL-S (Web ontology language for services) and linear temporal logic were used to investigate formal method of describing composite service flow for testing and analyzing dynamic testing information. OWL-S was used as requirements reference model of composite service. Combination of composite service standard and formal method was adopted. Linear temporal logic was used to describe dynamic semantics of control constructs in OWL-S. Accordingly control flow requirements of composite service was described by a set of linear temporal logic formulae. Besides the existing advantage of OWL-S, the describing method can explicitly express atomic services interaction pattern and the describing result can be used as reference model of testing composite service implementation. Based on the explicit expression and semantic model of linear temporal logic on finite execution traces, dynamic testing information captured during composiste service execution was analyzed to test the correspondence between composite service execution and composite service control flow requirements.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期117-121,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 国家十一五国防预研资助项目
关键词 软件测试 组合服务 控制流 WEB服务本体语言 线性时态逻辑 software testing composite service control flow OWL-S( Web ontology language for services) linear temporal logic
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