

Xu Jiyu and His Works through the Westerners' Eyes
摘要 在《瀛环志略》面世的19世纪中叶,徐继畬其人及其著作,成为西方人观察中国的风向标。美国传教士弼莱门和卫三畏先后发表长篇书评,对此书的价值及其刊行的意义作了充分肯定,与郭士立对《海国图志》的批评形成鲜明对照。徐继畬为了写作《瀛环志略》,利用一切机会向西人探询域外文明。同时,这部杰出的著作及其作者,也成为西方人探求中国文化的渠道。西人对徐继畬及其著作的评价,与徐继在对外交涉中坚持理性原则、对传教士采取宽容态度相关。 In the mid-19^th Century, Xu Jiyu and his famous book Ying Huan Zhi Lue became a sign of China for the westerners who were trying to understand China. American missionaries Lyman B. Peet and Samuel Wells Williams published long reviews on this book with great remarks, contrasting sharply with Charles Gutzlaff's harsh critical review on Hai Guo Tu Zhi by Wei Yuan. Xu Jiyu used all the opportunities to consult westerners he had met about the geography and history of the world. In the meantime, westerners took Xu Jiyu and his Ying Huan Zhi Lue as a channel to explore Chinese culture. Xu Jiyu won Westerners' high praises because of his reasonable attitudes towards diplomatic affairs and his tolerance on the missionaries.
作者 吴义雄
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期21-35,共15页 The Qing History Journal
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  • 1[美]龙夫威.《徐继畲与美国:一种特殊的关系》,载任复兴主编.《徐继畲与东西方文化交流》,中国社会科学出版社1993年版.
  • 2"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850, p. 217.
  • 3"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850, p. 217.
  • 4"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850, p. 218.
  • 5"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850,pp. 219-222.
  • 6"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850,p. 222.
  • 7"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850,pp. 222--224.
  • 8"A New Chinese Geography", The Missionary Herald, vol. Vol. 46, July, 1850,p. 224.
  • 9General Survey of the Maritime Circuit, a Universal Geography by His Excellency Su Ki-yu, the present Lieutenant-governor of Fukien. In 10 books. Fuhchau, 1848. The Chinese Repository, vol. 20, p. 169.
  • 10General Survey of the Maritime Circuit, a Universal Geography by His Excellency Su Ki-yu, the present Lieutenant-governor of Fukien. In 10 books. Fuhchau, 1848. The Chinese Repository, vol. 20,p. 169.









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