
一种新的合采井单层贡献率定量方法 被引量:2

A new research method for the quantification of productivity contribution in the commingled producing wells
摘要 针对目前合采井单层贡献率定量计算中采用峰面积(或峰高)比值不具线形叠加及多层配比实验工作量的繁重性,基于浓度线性叠加理论,以单层化合物质量浓度和合采油层指纹峰面积(或峰高)比值进行建模,再采用求得全局最小值较好的模拟退火算法进行优化,求得单层产能贡献率.对实验室3层原油配比实验进行模拟,结果表明,模拟的单层贡献率绝对误差在±3%以内,可以满足实际应用要求. In view of the fact that the peak area ratio and peak height ratio,which is used to calculate the productivity contribution of commingled producing wells at present,do not follow the linear superposition theory,the quantification of GC fingerprint compound is difficult.Based on the linear superposition theory,the absolute concentration of single oil compound and the peak area ratio(peak height ratio) of commingled oil compound are used to construct the mathematical model,and then use the simulated annealing algorithm to get the minimum value.Based on above theory and method,the productivity contribution of three oil layers is simulated,and the results indicate that the absolute error is smaller than ±3%.
出处 《大庆石油学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期5-7,87,共4页 Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute
基金 国家“973”重点基础研究发展规划项目(2006CB202307)
关键词 合采井 贡献率 线性叠加 模拟退火 配比实验 commingled producing well productivity contribution linear superposition simulated annealing algorithm allocation experiment
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