Auditory response properties of the superior colliculus (SO and the inferior colliculus (IC) of the mesencephalon in the bat, Hipposideros ammiger. were investigated by the qualitative 3H-2-deoxyglucose (3H-2-DG) autoradiographic method and electrophysiological technique. The elec-trophysiological results were as follows : The best frequency for the auditory response of IC was 59 KHz. The inferior colliculus was tonotopically organized, where the mapping of frequency was characterized by a descending shift in the best frequency. The 3H-2-DG results were as follows; (1) The response of SC to acoustic stimuli was widespread. High gray density was distributed in most internal areas close to the central gray substance. (2) The inferior colliculus had tonotopical organizational characteristics. Higher gray density was destributed in the ventramiddle central nuclei of IC (ICc) under 59 KHz, while in the intermediate central nuclei of IC under 29KHz. As frequency increased, the frenquency-specific activity of IC progressed from the ventral to the dorsal; (3) A whole set of autoradiographic maps from the brainstem to the cortex showed that the gray density increased areas of IC and SC were independent and unoverlapping.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy