

The Translational Hull of a C-wrpp Semigroup
摘要 一个半群叫C-wrpp半群,如果每一个L**-类包含至少一个幂等元且幂等元是中心。研究C-wrpp半群的平移壳,证明C-wrpp半群的平移壳仍是C-wrpp半群。 A semigroup is called a C-wrpp semigroup if (i) each L^**-class contains an idempotent and (ii) the idempotents are central. It is proved that the translational hull of a C-wrpp semigroup is still a C-wrpp semigroup.
出处 《江西科学》 2009年第1期64-66,共3页 Jiangxi Science
关键词 C—wrpp半群 平移壳 C-wrpp semigroup, Translational hull
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