
低盐度地区集约化养殖的吉富罗非鱼的生长特性 被引量:1

Growth traits of tilapia(GIFT) cultured intensively in brackish water
摘要 对珠海低盐度地区(盐度2—8)集约化养殖的吉富罗非鱼的生长特性进行了研究,试验共进行174d。结果表明:吉富罗非鱼在整个养殖期间体重增长速度较快,平均日增重5.58g,最快可达13.25g,平均日增重率为2.54%;养殖130d后,平均体重可达600g左右,其体长和体重的关系为W=0.0582×L^2.09(R^2=0.9968),体长生长方程为L=-0.0169t^3+0.1911t^2+2.3675t+0.7124(R^2=0.9947);肥满度初期较高,最高为6.19,养殖中期有所下降,后期恢复到4.22;饵料系数平均为1.44。 The tilapia(GIFT) was cultured intensively in brackish water ( a salinity of 2 - 8 ) in Zhuhai to evaluate the growth traits. The GIFT had good growth through the whole 174 days, with average growth of 5.58 g/d (the maximum growth of 13.25 g/d, and the instantaneous growth rate of weight (IGRW) of 2.54% ). They reached more than 600 g in body weight after 130 day feeding. The regression equations of the body weight (W) and the body length (L) was expressed as W=0. 0582L^2.89(R^2 =0. 9968), and the body length and culture period (t) as L = -0. 0169t^3 +0. 1911t^2 +2. 3675t +0. 7124(R^2 =0.9947). The higher condition factor was found at the beginning of the experiment, with peak value of 6.19, then decreased and finally recovered to 4.22. The average feed conversion ratio (FCR) was found to be 1.44, indicating that the GIFT has a good growth performance in low saline water.
出处 《大连水产学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期92-94,共3页 Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
基金 国家“863”计划项目(2007AA10Z239) 农业行业专项项目(nyhyzx07-044) 国家科技支撑计划专题项目(2006BAD03B0102) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(5004159) 广东省科技计划项目(2005B33201012)
关键词 吉富罗非鱼 低盐度 集约化养殖 生长特性 GIFT brackish water intensive culture growth characteristics
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