未来移动通信系统,诸如IEEE802.16旨在能够传送多种具有不同QoS要求的多媒体业务。为了保证业务的QoS,需合理设计调度器的结构和相应的调度算法。针对IEEE 802.16宽带无线接入系统中的双层分级带宽分配体系结构,结合总调度器分配算法优点,采用了更适用于分类调度器且不同于参考文献的分配算法,旨在能够针对不同QoS等级的业务提供不同的调度方案,更好的满足用户的QoS要求。
Future mobile communication systems such as IEEE 802.16 are expected to deliver a variety of multimedia services with diverse QoS requirements. To guarantee the QoS provision, appropriate scheduler architecture and scheduling algorithms have to be carefully designed. We take advantage of the aggregate scheduler algorithm and propose different algorithm in class schedulers from references . The proposed algorithm can provide different scheduling strategy for services with various QoS grade to better guarantee their QoS.
Wireless Communication Technology