
一种具有最小实现代价的AES改进方法 被引量:2

Improvement of AES with minimal implementation complexity
摘要 针对AES加密和解密过程实现的不对称性,对其仿射变换和列混合运算的变换常量进行优化,给出一种改进的AES.除了密钥安排顺序,改进后的AES加解密实现过程都是对称的,在计算列混合和逆列混合时仅需要2次Xtime乘法和4次加法运算.并且加密和解密可共享同样的实现资源,有效降低了软硬件实现的代价. It is known that the implementation of AES is asymmetrical, so it will cost more time and space resource. Based on the affine transformation and the MixColumn,an improved AES is presented to reduce the implementation cost. The whole architecture of Rijndae[ encryption and decryption is symmetrical except for the arranging sequence of the key. When calculating MixColumn or InvMixColumn, only 2 times Xtime multiplication and 4 times addition operation are needed. It slso has the advantage that the eneryption and deeryption can share the same logic implementation resource, which decreases the implementation cost.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期52-57,共6页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(90604009,60503010,60773022) 国家“十一五”密码发展基金资助 863项目资助(2007AA01Z472) 高等学校创新引智基地资助(B08038)
关键词 AES RIJNDAEL S盒 AES Rijndael Sbox
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