

The Choice of Vertical Coordination Mode of Live Pig Supply Chains in Changsha City
摘要 从长沙市的生猪供应链具体情况入手,对长沙市生猪供应链内各个节点间的垂直协作形式进行了研究,探讨了其目前生猪供应链节点间的垂直协作模式,并提出"垂直一体化模式"和"上游供应商+规模猪场或养殖小区(合作社)+下游屠宰加工企业"2个生猪供应链的垂直协作模式,从而实现有效地将生猪供应链内部的各个成员有效地组织起来提高整体绩效。 Starting from the concrete conditions of live pig supply chains in Changsha city, this article investigates vertical coordination mode between various nodes in live pig supply chains , discusses the current mode, and put forwards two modes of "vertical integration mode" and "upstream suppliers + large scale pig farm or breeding district (cooperative) + downstream butchering process enterprise", thus can improve overall performance by organizing various nodes in live pig supply chains effectively.
作者 曾碧翼
机构地区 湖南农业大学
出处 《现代农业科学》 2008年第12期124-126,共3页
关键词 生猪 供应链 垂直协作 长沙市 live pig supply chains vertical coordination Changsha
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