观察 2 5例严重充血性心力衰竭患者静脉注射国产米力农 15天后对心功能影响。结果 :显效率 60 % ,总有效率 96% ,治疗前后用脉冲多普勒和M型超声心动图测定其心功能及左房、左室、右室内径。治疗后 ,左室收缩功能 (如每搏量、心排血量、射血分数、左室短轴缩短率、室间隔和左室后壁增厚率 )明显改善 ;而左室舒张功能 (如早期血流峰值速度 ,晚期血流峰值速度及等容舒张期 )得到改善 ;左房、左室及右室内径缩小 ;心率 ,血压无明显变化。治疗过程中未发现严重的副作用。提示国产米力农是治疗严重充血性心力衰竭患者的有效药物。
To evaluate the clinical effects of milrinone in patients with severe heart failure,heart function and clinical observations were performed on 25 patients with severe congestive heart failure treated with domestic intravenous milrinone for 15 days.Results showed that the total response rate to milrinone was 96% while 60% of them had significant improvement.Heart function and diameter of left atrial,left ventricle,and right ventricle were measured by pulsed Doppler and M mode echocardiographg before and after the treatment.The systolic function of the left ventricle (such as SV,CO,EF,FS,IVST,PLVWT) was significantly improved.The diastolic function of the left ventricle (such as E peak,A peak,IRT) was also improved.Diameter of left atrial,left ventricle,and right ventricle was significantly reduced.The heart rate and blood pressure remained unchanged.No obvious side effect was found in our observation.The domestic intravenous milrinone is a drug of choice for the management of patients with severe congestive heart failure.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology