
美国知识霸权压力下的欧洲国际关系学——欧洲国际关系学的多元选择及其绩效差异 被引量:5

European International Relations under the Pressure of American Intellectual Hegemony:Internal Diversity of Choices and Effects Difference of European International Relations
摘要 面对二战后的美国知识霸权的结构性压力,欧洲内部的不同国家有意识或者无意识地选择了发展本国国际关系学的不同知识路径,这就使得它们应对和化解美国知识霸权压力的绩效具有差异。英国的"独立性的内部指导合作"和北欧地区的"开放性的多层次合作"是较为成功的化解美国知识霸权压力的知识发展路径,而法国的"独立性的学术孤立"和意大利的"开放性的移植生长"并没有突破美国的知识霸权。来自于欧洲内部的多元的国别性和地区性的国际关系学的知识发展能量正在创造一个整体性的欧洲国际关系学,它与美国的国际关系学在知识关系上日益呈现出"复合相互依赖"的特征,在一个相对独立和大致平等的基础上与美国的国际关系学进行互动。这样的整体性的欧洲国际关系学并不是要求一个单一化的欧洲国际关系理论,而是一个多元化的国别性的、地区性的国际关系学。 In order to cope with and counterbalance the pressure of American intellectual hegemony in the discipline of International Relations(IR)after the World War II,the European countries consciously or unconsciously adopted different intellectual paths to develop this discipline,leading to different effects in their anti-hegemony conducts.Britain's 'autonomous internal planned and directed cooperation' and the Nordic 'opening multilevel cooperation' are fairly successful,while France's 'autonomous academic isolation' and Italy's 'opening transplanting growth' fail.It is just the national and regional diversity of IR of Europe that is creating an integrated European IR,which is increasingly in 'complex interdependence' with American IR and interacts with the latter on a fairly independent and equal basis.The European IR as such doesn't require the emergence of a single international relations theory but rather diverse theories in Europe.It is just the diversity of International Relations in Europe that creates and assures a European IR as a whole.
作者 石贤泽
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期17-33,共17页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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