

Design and implementation of the time-domain trust model in P2P network based on JXTA
摘要 提出了一种时域上的P2P网络信任模型,在进行节点信任值计算时,考虑了时间因子对信任值的影响,距离当前时间越远的交易行为在信任值计算时的参考价值越小。当交易失败或发生欺骗时,目标节点会受到惩罚,激励节点提供好的服务。最后,使用JXTA技术实现了该模型,并将它与Li Xiong提出的信任模型进行了比较。理论分析和仿真实验表明,该模型能很好的反映节点的当前状态,并能抵御虚假推荐进行的欺骗。 In this paper, a trust model in P2P networks which is based time-domain is presented. When calculating trust value of the node, the time factor to influence the trust value is considered. As farther the transactions time away from the current time, the transactions are less value in the trust calculation. When the transaction fails or deceit occurs, the target node will be punished. So it drives the node to provide good service. At last, the JXTA technology is used to realize this model. Also, this model is compared with the trust model which is proposed by Li Xiong. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that the model could well reflect the current status of nodes, and can resist the deceit of false recommend.
出处 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2009年第1期53-59,共7页 Journal of Yanshan University
关键词 对等网 时间因子 惩罚措施 信任模型 peer-to-peer time factor punitive measures trust model
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