Objective To summarize the surgical experience on Debakey Ⅰ aortic dissection. Methods Thirty - five patients with Debakey Ⅰ aortic dissection underwent surgical treatment. The operations were all performed by using deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) and selected cerebral perfusion. Bentall and total arch grafting with Frozen elephant trunk procedure was carried out in 21 cases, mitral valve replacement in 2 cases, wheat and total arch grafting with frozen elephant trunk procedure in 8 cases, and ascending and total arch grafting with frozen elephant trunk procedure in 6 cases. Results Operative mortality was 11.4% (all deaths occurred in urgent surgery). One died soon after operation, and the remaining 30 patients recovered within the follow - up period of 9 to 33 months using CT examination. Conclusion Surgery is an effective way in Debakey Ⅰ aortic dissection treatment. Proper surgical indication, technique and brain protections are the key for Debakey Ⅰ aortic dissection surgery.
Journal of Clinical Surgery
aortic dissection
vascular surgical procedures
cerebral protectio