With the research method of questionnaire investigation, the paper investigates the relation among the achievement goal orientation, the learning strategy of metacognition and the tennis achievement. The investigation shows that grasping orientation and near to goal orientation have positive relation with the learning strategy of metacognition;the learning strategy of matacognition is positively related with the tennis achievement while the achievement goal orientation is not related with the tennis achievement; compared with sophomores, the freshmen prefer to adopt the grasping orientation and learning strategy of metacognition than the achievement evasion orientation ; compared with male students, the female students prefer to adopt the near to goal orientation and learning strategy of metacognition than the achievement evasion orientation. The grade and sex have little influence upon the tennis achievement, which may caused by the physical quality, effort devoted, ability, motive and environment.
Journal of Sports Adult Education
achievement goal orientation
learning strategy of rnetacognition
tennis achievement