
基于圆性质的加密算法 被引量:1

Encryption Algorithm Based on Circle Property
摘要 原有对称加密算法采用置换与替换技术。该文提出一种基于圆性质的对称密钥加密算法,采用随机数技术与密码学杂凑函数,使加密后的密文随机分布于n维几何空间,实现了抗密码分析攻击,而穷举攻击在计算上是不可行的。该算法适用于带时间戳加密、短明文加密等应用环境,实验结果验证了其可行性。 The former symmetric encryption algorithms use substitution and transposition techniques. Ibis paper presents a symmemc encryption algorithm based on circle property. The techniques of random number and cryptographic hash function are used in this algorithm. So the cipher text randomly distributes in the n-dimensional space and led to cryptanalysis being difficult. From the security analysis the brute-force attacks are infeasible. It is applicable for encryptions with timestamp and short plain text encryptions. Experimental results verify that this algorithm is feasible.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期180-182,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60572139) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划基金资助项目(NCET-06-0744) 霍英东教育基金资助项目(101069)
关键词 对称密码 加/解密算法 圆性质 symmetric cryptogram encryption and decryption algorithm circle property
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