采用Microsoft Access 2003,配合VBA编程,建立了常用钢的淬火回火热处理数据库系统。通过该系统,可查询到常用钢的化学成分、力学性能、临界温度、淬火临界直径、过冷奥氏体转变曲线及淬火回火工艺规范。该系统还具有根据硬度、屈服强度等力学性能指标进行选材和数据扩充、修改等功能。
A database system of the quenching and tempering heat treatment for the commonly used steels is established with Microsoft Access 2003 and VBA programming. The chemical composition, mechanical properties, critical temperature, critical quenching diameter, transformation curve of super cooling austenire and quenching and tempering process of the commonly used steels can be conveniently inquired by this database system. In addition, this system has such functions as selecting materials according to the hardness, yield strength and other mechanical properties, as well as expanding and modifying data.
Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment