
基于噪声信道的ARQ系统时延性能及最小滑动窗口控制研究 被引量:5

On the Delay Performance and Minimum Sliding Window Control of ARQ System in Noise Channel
摘要 基于噪声干扰信道(包括正向链路和反馈链路),并考虑到达信息包的随机拆分、滑动窗口长度、分组长度以及数据链路上的传播时延等影响因素,建立了传输分组批到达情况下链路层上退回N步ARQ系统(GBN-ARQ)和选择重发式ARQ系统(SR-ARQ)的M^([X])/G/1排队时延模型.求得了两系统时延以及归一化的最大吞吐量的表达式.进而获得了在既定系统传输条件下确定最小滑动窗口长度、实施窗口控制的模型和方法.仿真表明,通过自适应地改变滑动窗口长度可以降低GBN-ARQ系统的时延,提高其传输效率,因而在一定条件下可以用GBN-ARQ代替SR-ARQ而避免后者较高的系统实现复杂度. Based on the noise channels (both forward and feedback channels) and considering many influencing factors such as random decomposition of packet, sliding window length, packet length and its propagation delay in data link, the models M[X]/G/1 on the delay performance of both GBN-ARQ (go-back-N ARQ) and SR-ARQ (selective-repeat ARQ) systems are established under the group arrival of packetes. The formulae to analyze propagation delay and unitary maximum throughput are also deduced for GBN-ARQ and SR-ARQ. For given transmission conditions, the model and method to determine and control the minimum sliding window are obtained too. System simulation shows that if the length of sliding window is changed adaptively, the delay of GBN-ARQ can be reduced and the transmission efficiency can be enhanced; therefore, the complexity to implement SR-ARQ in wireless system can be avoided by substituting GBN-ARQ for SR-ARQ in some conditions.
出处 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期697-702,708,共7页 Information and Control
关键词 M[X]/G/1 GBN—ARQ SR-ARQ 分组平均服务时延 归一化最大吞吐量 M[X]/G/1 GBN-ARQ SR-ARQ mean packet service delay unitary maximum throughput
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