
曙红敏化微弧氧化TiO_2膜光催化研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Photocatalytic Activity of TiO_2 Films Using Microarc-oxidation and Sensitized by Ensine
摘要 以钛片为原料,以磷酸钠为电解液,采用微弧氧化法在钛片上制备钛基二氧化钛膜(TiO2/Ti).用20W的紫外灯光催化降解苯酚模拟废水,采用敏化后处理对二氧化钛膜进行改性实验,考察了敏化剂、敏化剂浓度、微弧氧化时间、pH等条件对二氧化钛膜的影响.实验结果表明:在微弧氧化电压为300V,电解液浓度为8g/L,微弧氧化时间为5m in,光催化时间为2h,曙红为敏化剂的浓度为20 mg/L,pH为6,敏化时间为10h,光催化效率由原来的31.5(提高到52.2(. Titanium oxide (TiO2/Ti) films are formed on the titanium surface by micro -arc oxidation(MAO) in Na3PO4 solution. The TiO2/Ti films are sensitized by ensine and then used for photocatalytic degradation of simulant phenol-benzene wastewater under 20W ultraviolet light. The condition experiments are made on different sensitizing agents, sensitized concentrations, time of micro-arc oxidation and pH. The results show that the MAO voltage is 300V, the MAO electrolyte concentration is 8g/L, the time of micro-arc oxidation is 5 minutes, the photocatalytic time is 2 hours, the sensitized agent is ensine, its concentration is 20 mg/L, pH is 6 and the sensitized time is 10 hours. The resul is that the rate of photocatalytic decoloration increases from 31.5% to 52.2%.
出处 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2008年第5期84-86,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Ligong University
基金 辽宁省教育厅基金资助项目(202213110)
关键词 微弧氧化 二氧化钛 光催化 敏化 micro-arc oxidation (MAO) dioxide photocatalysis sensitization
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