The Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) , accounting for 1.5%-4% EU research fund, is a major new element of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) implemented in 2007. Research shows that JTIs are legal entities which are proposed as a new way of realizing public-private partnerships in a relevant industrial research and development field at European level. The analysis is conducted that the selection of JTIs involves applying successively a series of criteria: strategic importance and presence of a clear deliverability; existence of market failure; Community value added; substantial, long-term industry commitment; inadequacy of existing Com- munity instruments. Now the six areas are identified as JTIs, including fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) , aeronau- tics and air transport, innovative medicines (IMI) , nanoelectronics, embedded computing systems, and global monitoring for environment and security.
Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook