子宫输卵管造影(Hysterosalpingography,HSG)和选择性输卵管造影(Selective salpingography,SSG)对输卵管阻塞有较可靠的诊断价值;SSG和经子宫颈输卵管再通术(Transcervical fallopian tube recanal-ization,T-FTR)有较可靠的近、远期疗效和较低的不良反应率。输卵管再通率、妊娠率等结合输卵管灌注压的测定及超声技术,可较客观全面地评价输卵管阻塞的疗效及安全性。
Selective salpingogram (SSG) and hysterosalpingography(HSG) have achieved fairly reliable di- agnostic value SSG and transcervical fallopian tube recanalization(T- FTR) possess rather credible therapeutic value long- tern effect and low risk recanalization rate and pregnancy rate, combining with the measurement of tubal perfusion pressures(TPP) and development of ultrasonic technology, can evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety more generally and objectively.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal