
试析尼克松政府的环境外交 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Environmental Diplomacy of Nixon Administration
摘要 在尼克松执政时期,环境成为美国外交的主要议题之一。尼克松政府通过北约、经济合作与发展组织和联合国国际组织,围绕环境监管、环境保护和污染治理等主题进行外交活动。尼克松的环境外交体现出其先行一步的外交构想和具体的环境行动。美国的环境外交因先于其他国家而取得了国际环境领域的有利地位,并推动了20世纪70年代初环境领域的国际合作达到一个高潮。不过,尼克松的环境外交更多地着眼于美国所处的国内外环境形势和现实利益,与第三世界为实现符合发展中国家利益的环境主张形成了明显的对照。 During Richard Nixon's presidency,environmental issue became one of the major themes of American diplomacy.Through such frameworks as NATO,OECD,UN and other international organizations,Nixon Administration adopted a series of diplomatic actions focusing on environmental supervision,protection and pollution harnessing.Nixon's environmental diplomacy reflected his pioneering diplomatic concept and concrete actions for environmental protection.The United States executed the environmental diplomacy ahead of other countries,and therefore the Americans took an advantaged position in the field.Henceforth,the international collaboration in the environmental field was promoted and reached its zenith in early 1970s.However,mainly focusing on America's internal and external environmental situations as well as realistic national interests,Nixon's environmental diplomacy couldn't help make environment diplomatic policies from the angle of global environmental protection.
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期42-54,共13页 World History
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