“60秒科学”是一个电台节目,用一分钟的时间为大家带来新鲜、有趣的科学新闻,听众只需花一分钟便能轻松掌握科技发展新方向。如果你看过关于企鹅的记录片或电影,你肯定知道企鹅爸爸担负着孵蛋的重大责任。现在,科学家们发现恐龙爸爸也像企鹅爸爸一样孵蛋带小恐龙哦!很有趣吧?Got a minute to check this out?
If you saw the movie March of the Penguins, or even the animated film Happy Feet, you know that male penguins take their role as parents pretty seriously. Now, a study from Montana State University shows that being a dutiful dad is something even dinosaurs did.