目前,各个企业竞相采用CAD/CAM技术。CAD/CAM集成方案有几种:基于二维绘图的初级 CAD方案;基于图形工作站的三维设计集成方案及基于微机与图形工作站的系统集成方案。面对众多的CAD/CAM市场,系统软、硬件的选型显得非常重要,这将直接关系到今后CAD/CAM技术发挥作用的大小。
At present ,CAD/CAM techniques are being used by motorcycle enterprises. There are several programs of CAD/CAM integration,e. g. primary CAD program based on two-dimensional plotting ,three-dimensional design integration program based on graph work station,system integration program based on micro-computer and graph work station,etc. It seems very important to select system's softwares and hardwares when dealing with CAD/CAM,which will affect the role CAD/CAM plays in technical aspects.
Motorcycle Technology