

How to Ensure the Quality of Theses Written by Ph.D. Candidates of Non-Medicine Background
摘要 深入分析非医攻博研究生学位论文工作存在的问题,结合2007、2008两届非医攻博研究生博士学位论文的工作成效,从培养目标、学科背景、论文选题、时间安排等方面提出了明确学位类型与主要研究方向,制定学位论文基本要求,保证论文完成时间,加强论文集体指导,启发创新思维,严格论文评阅与答辩制度等措施,为进一步优化非医攻博复合型人才培养模式提供依据。 The paper profoundly analyzes the problems existing in papers written by Ph.D. candidates of non- medical background. Examples of 2007, 2008 postgraduates of this group were studied, based on which the author raises the training objectives, specialty background, topics of theses, and time arrangement. The purpose is to clarify the type of degree, research orientation, and basic demand. Group instruction is needed to enlighten innovative thinking. The process of thesis review and defence must be strict.
作者 史亚飞
出处 《中医教育》 2009年第1期70-72,76,共4页 Education of Chinese Medicine
基金 教育部研究生教育创新计划项目
关键词 中医学 非医攻博 学位论文 质量 tradition Chinese medicine, Ph.D. candidates of non-medicine background, thesis, quality
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