

Relationship between College Students' Self-regulation and the Tendency of Internet Addiction
摘要 采用自编的《大学生自我调节问卷》和白羽等编制的《网络成瘾倾向问卷》作为研究工具,对成都市1104名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生自我调节与网络成瘾倾向的关系。研究结果表明:自我调节与网络成瘾倾向存在显著负相关,自我调节能够显著预测网络成瘾倾向。回归分析结果显示:预测力最大的是自我调节的第三个维度——执行计划(10.5%),其次依次为制定计划(6.8%)、自我监察(2.9%)、设定目标(1.1%)、自我反应(0.7%)。回归方程可以写成:网络成瘾倾向=(-0.162)×执行计划+(-0.154)×制定计划+(-0.102)×自我监察+(-0.073)×设定目标+(-0.062)×自我反应。 Used the Questionnaire on Undergraduates' Self- regulation prepared by researcher and the Questionnaire on Tendency of Intemet Addiction compiled by BaiYu as research tools a questionnaire survey on 1104 undergraduates in Chengdu is conducted for discussing the relatiomlfip between serf- regulation and the tendency of internet addiction. The results showed that: the serfregulation has nega- tive correlation with the tendency of intemet addiction. Regression analysis also showed that the largest prediction is the third dimension of serf- regtdation, implementation plan( 10.5 % ), secondly, followed by planning(6.8 % ), self- monitoring (2.9 % ), goal setting ( 1. 1% ), self-reaction(0.7%), Tile regression ecpmtion can be written: Intemet Addiction Tendency = (- 0. 162) × implementation plan + ( -0. 154) × planning + ( -0.102) ×self- -monring + (-0.073) x goal setting + ( -0. 062) × self- reaction.
作者 王雨露
出处 《成都大学学报(教育科学版)》 2009年第2期37-39,48,共4页 Journal of Chendu University:Educational Sciences Edition
关键词 大学生 自我调节 网络成瘾倾向 undergraduates self- regulation the tendency of intemet addiction
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