Excavated Space and Enclosed Space
1史永高.白墙的表面属性和建造内涵[J].建筑师,2006(6):20-26. 被引量:12
2Architect Richard Neutra (1892-1970), a natJve of VJenna Austria, moved to Los Angeles in 1925 to work with Rudolph Schindler on Frank Lloyd Wright's Barnsdall Park project.In 1929, Neutra became famous in his own right with the completion of his landmark Modernist Lovell House in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.In California he became celebrated for rigorously geometric but airy structures that symbolized a West Coast variationon the mid-cenlury modern residence. His domestic architecture was a blend of art landscape and practical comfort.Today, Neutra is considered as one of the recognized innovators and leaders of Modernist architecture.
3"If R.JNeutra had not left Austria early in 1923 - he would have met the same fale which befell other architects of his generation: most probably he would never have found himself " Edited by Boesiger W Richard Neutra: Buildings and Projects, Zurich: Editions Girsberger 1951r p8.
4Ediled by Boesiger W., I?ictard Neutra, Buildings and Projects Zurich: Editions Girsberger, 1951 p8.
5"Bioreaiism: Bios the Greek word for life, comprises the infinitely manifoJd emotive powers of our self.The world real refers to life-reality and steers away from vague abstractions." Lamprecht Barbara. Neutra, Koln: Taschen 2004 p9.
6"The universe of which we are a part is a dynamic continuum.It extends from the most dislan gaJacfic systems into our atmosphere biosphere and terrestrial mantle, wafting even deeper into an energetic array of molecular and subatomic events that configure all matter motion, and mind.Our skin is a membrane not a barricade -.. The.
7most remote contours of the cosmos are not jusl 'out there somewhere" but causally interlaced with the nearest and deepest folds of our interior landscape." Lamprecht, Barbara., Neutra Koln: Taschen, 2004, plO.
8"The undeniable fact is that Neutra got the job and designed a remarkable house - both for his clients and for the cause of Modern Architecture. After his Jardinette apartments it was the first mature example of the International Style in America." Hines, Thomas S. icttard Neutra and the Searct for Modern Architecture, New York: Oxford University Press 1982 p78.
9"The boys tell me you are building a building in steel for [a] residence - which is really good news.Ideas like that one are what this poor fool country needs to learn from Le Corbusier Stevens Oud and Gropius. l am glad you are the one to 'teach' them." Hines, Thomas S., Richard Neutra and the Search for Modem Archilecture, New York: Oxford University Press, 1982 p84.
6王桢栋,张昀.城市建筑综合体的组合空间研究[J].新建筑,2013(3):162-165. 被引量:8
8秦洛峰,魏薇.汉堡港口改造规划[J].新建筑,2005(1):32-35. 被引量:4