
中国国际战略研究的议程与方法 被引量:8

International Strategic Study in China:Research Program and Methodology
摘要 本文探讨国际战略的基本概念、主要内容、研究方法,并在此基础上剖析中国国际战略研究的现状,展望其未来前景,规划其主要议题。作者指出,当前中国国际战略研究大潮正起,但相关研究的理论深度、系统化和精细化程度均有欠缺,应用性、前瞻性战略研究亟需加强。作者通过分析指出,建立并完善国家决策咨询机制、促进国际战略学科建设、学者战略分析能力的锤炼是中国国际战略研究至关重要的三个主要方面,也是中国国际战略研究中的三个软肋,亟待加强。国际战略的议题数量繁多,抓住最为关键的重要议题,是中国国际战略研究能否有所进步的决定性因素,应切实关注和深入研究全球发展趋势、世界主要大国兴衰规律、国家实力、战略文化及当前重大现实战略问题。 The paper debates the basic concept, scope and methodology of international strategic studies first, and then an analysis of the current research situation is offered, and the future prospects and major issues of international strategic studies are proposed. The author points out that while international strategic study becomes a hot issue in china, the depth in theoretical analysis and the quality of systematic and precise analysis are relatively not satisfactory, and widefield research or relevant studies with practical implications are yet to be strengthened. The author suggests that there are three decisive aspects in this research area, namely, establishing and perfecting national decision-making consultant mechanism, promoting development of the discipline of international strategies, and improving the scholars ability to do strategic analysis. These aspects are also the weakest parts in China's international strategic studies. Of the various issues in the study of international strategy, grasping the most crucial ones is a decisive factor. Attention should be directed to major strategic issues such as but not restricted to global currents, law of the rise and fall of major powers, national power, and strategic culture.
作者 门洪华
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期51-58,共8页 Teaching and Research
关键词 中国 国际战略 研究议程 研究方法 研究重点 China international strategy research program~ methodology priorities
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