
公路隧道火灾设计目标 被引量:4

Goals of Highway Tunnel Fire Design
摘要 隧道火灾属于小概率事件,却可能造成重大的直接和间接损失,从设计的角度考虑隧道火灾的预防、救援及降低火灾损失显得尤为重要。近年来发生的重大隧道火灾显示,大货车着火对隧道火灾规模及升温特点具有决定性的影响,对于交通量大的长隧道,已有的隧道火灾设计理念不能满足隧道安全运营的新要求,需要修正。隧道防火设计需要根据运营特点和防火目标选择相应的火灾模型。 The frequency of fires in tunnel is low, but the lost due to a fire in tunnel may be significantly high in terms of both direct and consequential costs. It is important to consider the fire mitigation and rescue during tunnel design. The tunnel fires, occurred in recent years, indicate that the fire of lorries has a dominate influence on the magnitude and temperature increasing feature of a tunnel fire; and that the present codes and guidelines for tunnel fire design may not meet the new requirements of tunnel operation safety, especially to long tunnels with huge traffic volume. Of tunnel fire design, it is useful to choose a proper fire model according to tunnel operational characteristics and fire mitigation goals.
作者 马建秦
出处 《公路》 北大核心 2009年第2期199-204,共6页 Highway
关键词 公路隧道 设计目标 火灾模型 highway tunnel design goals fire model
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