
机器人控制中的变结构观测器 被引量:1

A Variable Structure Observer for the Control of Robot Manipulators
摘要 研究机器人控制中的非线性轨迹跟踪问题,从而为复杂系统提供变结构观测器的设计方法。在传统的勒贝格观测器增加一个开关参数,从而保证观测器的鲁棒性。为解决轨迹跟踪的问题,采用全信息状态下的控制律。可以证明,闭环系统是李雅普诺夫全局渐近稳定的。进行了3自由度的机器人上的控制仿真,实验结果表明观测向量和跟踪误差渐近收敛。 This paper deals with the application of a variable structure observer developed for a class of nonlinear systems to solve the trajectory tracking problem for rigid robot manipulators. The analyzed approach to observer design proposes a simple design methodology for systems having completely observable linear parts and bounded nonlinearities and/or uncertainties. This observer is basically the conventional Luenberger observer with an additional switching term that is used to guarantee robustness against modeling errors and system uncertainties. To solve the tracking problem, we use a control law developed for robot manipulators in the full information case. The closed loop system is shown to be globally asymptotically stable based on Lyapunov arguments. Simulation results on a 3-DOF robot manipulator show the asymptotic convergenee of the vectors of observation and tracking errors.
作者 马赛 肖胜红
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2009年第2期158-162,共5页 Ship Electronic Engineering
基金 海军工程大学基金项目(编号:HGDJJ06250153)资助
关键词 变结构观测器 切换型观测器 刚性机器人控制 指数稳定 跟踪控制 variable structure observers, switching-type observers, rigid robot manipulators, exponential stability, tracking control
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