受金融危机影响,海事业深受资金问题困扰。世界融资市场反应 1.欧洲融资机构捂紧钱袋以挪威和德国银行为代表的欧洲船舶融资业历来是全球船舶融资业务的风向标。(1)挪威。挪威的北欧银行和挪威银行是船舶融资领域里银团贷款的主要承办行.过去几年间银团贷款作为银行承办贷款的主要模式在全球船舶融资市场占据着十分重要的地位。金融危机席卷全球后,两家银行都承认.
Presently, ship financing characteristics include the following aspects. The first is dramatic decrease of bank group funds and increase of club loans; the second is continuous rise of financing cost and deposit; the third is that the relationship between shipowners and banks becomes an important guarantee for gaining loan from banks; and the last is that ship financ- ing banks are facing a reshuffle.
Ship Economy & Trade