According to preliminary statistics. there are about 536 species(including subspccies, varicties and forms) of wild woody plants in this county,belonging to 228 gcnera and 92 families.include ing 9 species in 7 genera of 5 families of Gymnosperms and 527 species in 221 gcncra of 87 fami lies of Angiosperms. The paper suggestes that the flora have four characteristies of complexity of geographical elements. transition and archaism of the flora, endemic of geographical distribution by analysing geographical elements and floristic characteristics of the woody plants flora. By con trasting and analysing the floristic relationships between Tonggu county and adjacent rcgion,the similarity coefficient of genera between this regional flora and Mt. Lushan,Mt. Huangshan,Mt.Wuyi. Mt. Jinggang, Mt. Longxi, Mt. Xingdou,Quannan and Longnan counties are in sequence order of 87. 5 %, 81. 4 %, 79. 8%, 78. 2%, 76. 8%. 72. 8% and 70. 7% respcctively. This flora bclongs to the flora of East China and is situated in the zone of transition between the flora of Central China and East China. It has the floristie characteristics of the centre of Middle Subtropi cal by north.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Natoral Sciences)
woody plants
Tonggu county
Jiangxi province