
“山寨”之害 被引量:1

The Harm of Shanzhai
摘要 "山寨"一词最初源于前些时候闹得沸沸扬扬的"山寨手机"风波,近来,"山寨"成为时下最为流行的网络用语之一,它是一种由民间IT力量发起的产业现象。其仿造名牌手机、数码产品,主要特点主要表现为快速化、平民化。"山寨"文化也深深地打上了草根创新、群众智慧的烙印,另一方面也因为行走在触发政策法规的边缘而引起广泛争议。文化艺术中的"山寨"现象越来越被人关注,那种复制、挪用别人的文化成果偷梁换柱式地成为自我品牌,是对文化成果的侵袭,也是缺乏文化自信的体现。就雕塑领域而言,"山寨"雕塑也不乏事例。山寨文化的兴起,契合了当下大众文化的勃兴,具有反权威、反垄断、反精英的平民化特征,然而它又带有对社会秩序的破坏性。本期推出"关注当下"栏目,旨在关注时下、关注当代最新的社会文化现象,目的是使雕塑艺术置于一个大的社会文化背景中去考察,以期引起读者的思考和讨论。 The term' Shanzhai' was first brought into the spotlight from the bubbling and gurgling of the' Shanzhai Mobile Phone' uproar not a long ago.Recently',Shanzhai' has become one of the most popularly used Internet word. It exemplifies the phenomenal force of the un-official IT industry,which mimics brand-name mobile phones and other digital products.Its unique manufacturing strength is both fast and cheap.On one hand,the 'Shanzhai'culture has its roots deeply in the mass wisdom.On the other hand,it has caused wide-ranging controversy over its brinkmanship to brink the laws.The' Shanzhai' phenom- enon in culture and art has also drawn more and more concerns.Those who copy;appropri- ate others’ works,to claim in a fraud the creations are genuinely their own,are encroaching upon other people’s cultural achievements,and are a show of lack of confidence.We can also find' Shanzhai' examples in the sculpture field.The rise of the' Shanzhai' culture coin- cides with the thriving of the popular culture.It is anti-authority,anti-monopoly and anti-elite in its grass-roots essence,but it is also destructive to the normal social order. This issue introduces the column' Eye on the Present'.Its aim is to pay close attention to the newest social and cultural phenomena of the present,to observe and truly the art of sculpture in the broader social and cultural background,and to generate our readers’ reflection and discussion.
作者 孙振华
出处 《雕塑》 2009年第1期51-51,共1页 Sculpture
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