Let ω(Δ n) denote the width of non degenerate Δ n in E n and r(Δ n),V(Δ n),V(F k),ρ ij ,m k,R(Δ n) denote the inradius, n volume, (n-1) volume, edge length, mid line length, circumradius of the simplex, respectively. We prove the following:ω(Δ n)≥a nr(Δ n)≤b nV 1n (Δ n)≤c n[∏n+1k=1V(F k)] 1n 2-1 ≤d n∏1≤i<j≤n+1ρ 2n(n+1) ij ≤e n(∑1≤i<j≤n+1ρ 2 ij ) 12 =f n(∑n+1k=1m 2 k) 12 ≤g nR(Δ n),where equalities holds if and only if the simplex is regular.