
基于不同口令认证的跨域组密钥协议 被引量:1

Cross-realm Group PAKE Protocol Using Different Passwords
摘要 近年来关于基于口令认证的密钥交换协议(PAKE)进行了广泛的研究,基于口令认证的组密钥交换协议已成为安全协议研究的焦点问题。Byun等人也先后提出了基于不同口令认证的跨域环境下端到端的两个客户之间的PAKE(C2C-PAKE)密钥交换协议。然而在实际应用中,往往还需要在多个客户或客户组之间建立安全的通信信道。因此,提出了基于不同口令认证的跨域组间密钥交换协议,该协议将ZhiguoWan等人所提出的nPAKE+协议扩展到了两个域,实现了两个域中的客户组在域服务器的协助下,建立域间共享的组会话密钥的过程,并给出了安全分析和执行效率的代价分析。 Recently, several group password-authenticated key exchange (PANE) protocols have been proposed. Byun and Zhigou Wan et al. also proposed different passwords group PAKE protocols successively, and the clients in their protocols were all in the same realm. However, in practice we also need to establish a secure communication channel between groups who are in different realms. So, we proposed a cross-realm group PAKE protocol using different pass- words. The proposed protocol extends Zhigou Wan et al. 's nPAKE+ protocol from single realm to two realms. And it enables two groups in different realms to agree on a common group session key with the help of servers. We also gave the security analvsis and computational costs for our protocol.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期74-77,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69874038) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划:2001AA115300) 辽宁省自然科学基金(20062023)资助
关键词 不同口令认证 跨域 组密钥交换 Different password authentication,Cross-realm,Group key exchange
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