
Patch-guided facial image inpainting by shape propagation

Patch-guided facial image inpainting by shape propagation
摘要 Images with human faces comprise an essential part in the imaging realm. Occlusion or damage in facial portions will bring a remarkable discomfort and information loss. We propose an algorithm that can repair occluded or damaged facial images automatically, named ‘facial image inpainting'. Inpainting is a set of image processing methods to recover missing image portions. We extend the image inpainting methods by introducing facial domain knowledge. With the support of a face database, our approach propagates structural information, i.e., feature points and edge maps, from similar faces to the missing facial regions. Using the interred structural information as guidance, an exemplar-based image inpainting algorithm is employed to copy patches in the same face from the source portion to the missing portion. This newly proposed concept of facial image inpainting outperforms the traditional inpainting methods by propagating the facial shapes from a face database, and avoids the problem of variations in imaging conditions from different images by inferring colors and textures from the same face image. Our system produces seamless faces that are hardly seen drawbacks. Images with human faces comprise an essential part in the imaging realm. Occlusion or damage in facial portions will bring a remarkable discomfort and information loss. We propose an algorithm that can repair occluded or damaged facial images automatically,named 'facial image inpainting'. Inpainting is a set of image processing methods to recover missing image portions. We extend the image inpainting methods by introducing facial domain knowledge. With the support of a face database,our ap-proach propagates structural information,i.e.,feature points and edge maps,from similar faces to the missing facial regions. Using the inferred structural information as guidance,an exemplar-based image inpainting algorithm is employed to copy patches in the same face from the source portion to the missing portion. This newly proposed concept of facial image inpainting outperforms the traditional inpainting methods by propagating the facial shapes from a face database,and avoids the problem of variations in imaging conditions from different images by inferring colors and textures from the same face image. Our system produces seamless faces that are hardly seen drawbacks.
出处 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期232-238,共7页 浙江大学学报(英文版)A辑(应用物理与工程)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60525108) the National Key Technology R & D Program of China (No. 2006BAH11B03-4)
关键词 Image inpainting Face reconstruction Feature point extraction 图像识别 图像修复 人脸重建 特征点提取
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