采用过氯乙烯滤膜采集、密闭微波消解、电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定大气颗粒物中铅、镍、铬、铜、铁、锌、锰、钡、镉,优化了试验条件。方法线性良好,各元素的检出限在0.001 mg/L^0.01 mg/L之间,滤膜样品测定的RSD为0.6%~2.9%,加标回收率为96.0%~105%。
The method was established for determining lead, nickel, chromium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, barium and cadmium in atmospheric particulates by ICP- AES with microwave digestion and perchloroethylene filter collection of the samples. The experimental conditions were optimized to produce the following results: good linearity, the detection limits of all elements from 0. 001 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L, the RSDs of the filter samples from 0.6% to 2.9% , the recoveries from 96.0% to 105%.
The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring