
NaX分子筛填充PDMS膜对丙烯/丙烷分离性能的研究 被引量:1

Study on NaX Zeolite-Filled PDMS Membrane for Propylene/Propane Separation
摘要 采用了对丙烯/丙烷有吸附选择性的NaX型分子筛填充PDMS,通过真空涂敷法涂敷至PPESK/PEI中空纤维基膜上,制备了NaX/PDMS中空纤维复合膜。研究了固化温度、固化时间、涂敷时间(抽真空时间)、NaX填充含量对丙烯/丙烷分离性能的影响。实验结果表明,室温下,在固化温度80℃,固化时间80 m in,涂敷时间6 m in,NaX填充含量30%时,复合膜对丙烯,丙烷的分离性能最佳,分离系数达到2.68。为丙烯/丙烷的分离提供了一种新的可能性,开辟了一条研制高性能丙烯/丙烷分离有机膜的新途径。 The PPESK/PEI hollow fiber composite membrane was prepared by vacuum - coating NaX zeolite - filled PDMS solution with the aim of improve the separation selectivity of PDMS for propylene/propane system based on that the NaX zeolites is the selective adsored to propylene over propane. The influences of curing temperature, curing time, coating time ( vacuum time) and zeolite loading on propylene/propane separation performance were systematically studied. At room temperature, the composite membrane got the best performance of gas permeation when curing temperature was 80℃, curing time was 80 min, coating time was 6 rain and zeolite loading was 30% , propylene/ propane selectivity reached 2.68. The present work provide a new possibility for separation of propylene/propane system and open a new way to develop a polymer membrane with high performance for separation of propylene/propane system.
出处 《化工时刊》 CAS 2009年第2期25-27,39,共4页 Chemical Industry Times
关键词 PPESK/PEI中空纤维 NaX/PDMS膜 丙烯/丙烷分离 PPESK/PEI hollow fiber NaX/PDMS membrane propylene/propane separation
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