
加工番茄主要数量性状遗传相关的研究 被引量:37

Genetic and Correlation Studues on Quantitative Characters in Processing Tomato
摘要 以5个加工番茄品种加州6号、加州3号、加州613、478和奇23为亲本,用Grifing完全双列杂交第一种方法(C=p2)设计,研究了加工番茄8个数量性状的配合力、遗传效应及性状间的相关性。结果表明,这8个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达到极显著水平,其中单株产量、可溶性固形物的特殊配合力方差大于一般配合力方差,这2个性状的遗传主要受非加性效应控制,不能固定遗传;果实纵径、横径,果形指数,果肉厚,单株结果数,单果重等性状一般配合力方差分量大于特殊配合力方差分量,可以固定遗传。各性状狭义遗传力大小顺序为:果形指数>果实纵径>果实横径>果肉厚>单果重>单株果数>可溶性固形物>单株产量。对果形指数等遗传力高的性状在早期世代进行选择即可有明显效果,而可溶性固形物、单株产量等遗传力低,受环境影响大的性状,应在杂交后期世代进行选择。加工番茄性状间的相关分析表明,单株果数是最重要的产量组成性状;可溶性固形物与果肉厚相关密切(r=08598)。 A dialled cross among 5 processing tomato cultivars using complete dialled design of Griffing′s method I ( C=p 2 ) were made Traits were studied on fruit width, fruit length, fruit index, fruit flesh thinkness, per fruit weight, fruit number per plant, per plant yield and soluble solid Genetic parameters of 8 traits such as combinning ability, heritability and correlation were analysed The results from the varance analysis of combining ability indicated that general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were highly significant for all analysed traits A preponderance of variance due to SGA over GCA was observed for per plant yield and soluble solid indicating the main role of non additive gene action in the expression of these two characters Heredity of these traits can′t fixed and the utlilization of these characters may use heterosis method A preponderance of variance due to GCA over SGA was observed for fruit width, fruit length, fruit index, fruit flesh thinkness, per fruit weight and fruit number per plant, which indicated that the additive gene action play the main role in these characters for which the ultitization of these characters may use hybridization breeding method The consequent sucession of the narrow sense heritability for traits was fruit index (91 86%), fruit length (89 0%), fruit width (48 12%), fruit flesh thinkness (40 8%), per fruit weight (32 76%), fruit number per plant (23 00%), soluble solid (10 33%) and per plant yield (7 02%) To select the traits of fruit index, fruit length ect which with high heritability should be carry out in early generations and for the traits of soluble solid and per plant yidel ect which with low heritability strong affected by environment should be carried out in advanced generations Correlation analysis between processing tomato traits manifested that per plant fruit number was the main component of the yiled Soluble solid was significant correlated with fruit flesh thinkness ( r =0 8598) and the flesh thinkness hertability higher than soluble solid and more easy to measurre and therefore could use fruit flesh thinkness as indirect seletion trait to select soluble solid Fruit index heritability was strongly correlated with important economic traits of processing tomato, therefore, Great importance of processing tomato breeding should be attached to the selection of fruit shape
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 1998年第1期32-37,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
关键词 加工番茄 数量性状 配合力 遗传力 番茄 Processing tomato Combining ability Heritability Correlation
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