
极化敏感阵列及其应用研究 被引量:11

Research on the Polarization Sensitive Array and Its Application
摘要 与普通阵列相比,极化敏感阵列由于利用了极化信息,不仅能完成空域信号的处理,还可完成极化域信号的处理。因此,极化敏感阵列在抗干扰能力、信号检测能力、分辨率、极化多址能力等方面都有很大的优势。针对极化敏感阵列的理论优势作了说明,对其在信号处理和信号检测方面的应用作了详细的阐述。从中可以看出,极化敏感阵列具有更加广阔的应用前景。 Comparing with the normal array, the polarization sensitive array uses polarized information, it can complete the signal - processing not only in temporal domain but also in spatial domain. So it has many advantages in ability of anti - interfering, detecting signal and multiple access. The advantage of polarization sensitive array and expound its application in filtering and detecting of signal. Polarization sensitive array has wide foreground of application.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2009年第5期53-56,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 国家民委08科研资助项目(08QH07) 福建省科技厅资助省属高校项目(2007F5093)
关键词 极化敏感阵列 极化多址 信号处理 抗干扰 polarization sensitive array PDMA signal processing anti- interfering
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