
奉天盟军战俘集中营考略 被引量:2

A Brief Study of the Mukden Allied POW Concentration Camp
摘要 太平洋战争期间,日军在今天的沈阳设立奉天盟军战俘集中营,用来关押和奴役从太平洋战场俘虏的美国、英国、荷兰、澳大利亚和新西兰等五国盟军战俘。奉天盟军战俘集中营由本所、分所和派遣所组成,占地面积广、分区明确、功能齐全、在押人数众多,以高度专业化、高死亡率和高级将领战俘在押为特征。这一战俘营的设立,是日军实施以战养战策略的结果。他们将战俘当作人力资源维系侵略战争,并试图以高官战俘为人质资本负隅顽抗。高官战俘羁押地的确立反映了日军企图以已经占领多年的中国东北为"后方"进行侵略战争的企图,以及长期占领"满洲"的战略规划。奉天盟军战俘集中营是对日军践踏国际准则、违反人道主义的国际公约和所犯战争罪行的见证,为全面认识太平洋战争提供了一个新的视角。 During the Pacific War,the Japanese army established a POW Camp in Mukden(today's Shenyang) to hold as slave labor Allied POWs from the USA,Britain,the Netherlands,Australia and New Zealand who had been captured in Pacific battlefields.It was made up of a main camp,two sub-camps and three out-camps.The camp covered a large territory and had clearly divided zones,comprehensive functions and a large number of prisoners.It was marked by a high degree of specialization,a high death rate,and a large number of high-ranking Allied officers.The establishment of the camp was a consequence of Japan's practice of using war to wage war by exploiting the human resources represented by the POWs to prosecute its war of aggression and its attempts to use high ranking officers as hostages in its last-ditch struggle.The choice of this location for high ranking prisoners also reveals Japan's attempt to utilize the long-occupied territory of Northeast China as its hinterland in carrying out its war of aggression and pursuing its strategy for the long-term occupation of 'Manchukuo.' The camp is testimony to the Japanese army's war crimes and their violation of international norms and humanitarian treaties.It provides a new angle of vision for a comprehensive understanding of the Pacific war.
作者 杨竞
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期96-109,共14页 Historical Research
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  • 1茶園義男.《大東亜戦争下外地俘虜収容所》,東京:不二出版,1996年,第16頁.
  • 2茶園義男.《大東亜戦争下外地俘虜収容所》,第23頁.
  • 3茶園義男.《大東亜戦争下外地俘虜収容所》,第15-22頁.
  • 4新华社专稿:《跨洋访问:澳大利亚老兵忆述二战海南盟军战俘营》,http://www.ln.xinhua.org/jizhe/2007-11/23/content_11753793.htm.
  • 5International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), ICRC Visit Report to Mukden-Hoten Prisoner of War's Camp by MAX Pestalozzi, ACICR, C SC, China/Manchukuo, RT, ICRC Letter: DC/ARCH 2006/54-FBS.
  • 6茶園義男.《大東亜戦争下外地俘虜収容所》,第16頁.
  • 7Joseph A. Petak, Never Plan Tomorrow, Fullerton: Aquataur, 1991, pp. 433-475.
  • 8ICRC, ICRC Visit Report to Mukden-Hoten Prisoner of War's Camp by MAX Pestalozzi, ACICR, C SC, China/Manchukuo, RT.
  • 9茶園義男.《大東亜戦争下外地俘虜収容所》,第28頁.
  • 10Joseph A. Petak, Never Plan Tomorrow, pp. 187-189.


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