
网室内小气候要素的变化规律 被引量:5

Study on Microclimate inside a Screen-house
摘要 在以色列的大型香蕉种植网室内(352m×228m),观测研究网室内小气候的变化过程、垂直分布规律以及与网室外小气候要素的关系。结果显示,网室的光透射率随着使用时间的增加而减小;网室内外小气候要素间呈线性相关关系,与网室外相比,网室内的相对湿度高、饱和水汽压差小、风速显著降低,但是温度差异较小;网室内外小气候要素(相对湿度、温度和饱和水汽压差)的差异随着风速的增加而减小;网室内冠层附近水汽密度高于近地面处的水汽密度,且出现逆温分布。 An experiment was conducted in a large-size banana-cultivation screen-house with 352 m × 228 m in Israel to study the distribution and changes of microclimate inside the screen-house and relationships of the microclimate between inside and outside. The results showed that the screen transmissivity decreased with experimental time increasing. The microclimatie variables inside the screen-house were linearly related to those outside. Inside the screen- house, the relative humidity was higher, vapor pressure deficit was lower, and wind velocity decreased greatly in comparison with those outside the screen-house, while the temperature difference between inside and outside the screen- house was small. The differences in relative humidity, temperature and vapor pressure deficit between inside and outside the screen-house decreased with the wind velocity increasing. Inside the screen-house, the vapor density around canopy was higher than those near ground surface, and the converse temperature distribution occurred.
出处 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 2009年第1期54-59,共6页 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50509025)
关键词 网室 小气候要素 以色列 光透射率 Screen-house Mieroclimatic variables Israel Transmissivity
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