
ARINC735A接口协议的设计与实现 被引量:4

Design and implementation of ARINC 735A protocols
摘要 为了实现机载防撞系统(TCAS)主机与外围功能单元的高效连接,需要定义和设计相关的接口协议。根据美国航空无线电设备标准ARINC735A定义的TCAS系统必须满足的DO-185A的接口和协议,分析和讨论了ARINC735A协议模块在TCAS系统中的功能和上下文关系,在此基础上详细描述了ARINC735A协议模块各组件的功能。采用软件工程的设计方法,系统地定义和设计了实现该协议模块功能组件的状态和流程,并给出了相应的状态转换图。讨论了在嵌入式环境下对AR-INC735A的多任务实现方法,并且在VxWorks嵌入式操作系统环境下,实现了ARINC735A协议的多任务软件模块。 In order to realize the effective connection between the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) computer unit and the peripheral equipments, the protocols of the interface needed to be defined. According to the ARINC735A, which describes the necessary interface definitions and protocols of TCAS to accommodate the requirements of RTCA/DO- 185A, the relationship and context of ARINC735A protocols in a TCAS are analyzed and discussed, and the function of the components in ARINC735A are also described in detail. The states and flow chart of the components in ARINC735A are defined and designed by utilizing the method of software engineering. Followed with the related states transition diagrams, the multi-tasks definitions of the ARINC735A protocols in an embedded operational environment are proposed. The multi-tasks software module ofthe ARINC735A protocols is programmed under the environ- ment of the embedded operational system VxWorks.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期819-823,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 ARINC735A协议 机载防撞系统 多任务 状态转换图 嵌入式操作系统 ARINC735A protocols traffic alert and collision avoidance system multi-tasks state transition diagrams embedded operational system
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