
A Scalable Testing Framework for Location-Based Services 被引量:1

A Scalable Testing Framework for Location-Based Services
摘要 A novel testing framework for location based services is introduced. In particular, the paper showcases a novel architecture for such a framework. The implementation of the framework illustrates both the functionality and the feasibility of the framework proposed and the utility of the architecture. The new framework is evaluated through comparison to several other methodologies currently available for the testing of location-based applications. A case study is presented in which the testing framework was applied to a typical mobile service tracking system. It is concluded that the proposed testing framework achieves the best coverage of the entire location based service testing problem of the currently available methodologies; being equipped to test the widest array of application attributes and allowing for the automation of testing activities. A novel testing framework for location based services is introduced. In particular, the paper showcases a novel architecture for such a framework. The implementation of the framework illustrates both the functionality and the feasibility of the framework proposed and the utility of the architecture. The new framework is evaluated through comparison to several other methodologies currently available for the testing of location-based applications. A case study is presented in which the testing framework was applied to a typical mobile service tracking system. It is concluded that the proposed testing framework achieves the best coverage of the entire location based service testing problem of the currently available methodologies; being equipped to test the widest array of application attributes and allowing for the automation of testing activities.
出处 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第2期386-404,共19页 计算机科学技术学报(英文版)
关键词 location based applications location-based services M-COMMERCE software testing location based applications, location-based services, M-commerce, software testing
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