
北京市11家医院合同制护士生存现状调查 被引量:11

A Survey on the Living Status Quo of the Contracted Nurses in 11 Hospitals in Beijing
摘要 目的了解医院合同制护士生存现状,为稳定护理队伍、提高护理质量提供参考。方法采用自行设计调查问卷,便利抽样法抽取北京市4家三级甲等医院、7家二级甲等医院共349名合同制护士进行生存状况调查,包括生理、安全、爱与归属、自尊、自我实现5个方面,每个方面分为客观存在和主观感受部分。结果合同制护士在爱与归属方面客观现状和主观感受满意,另外4个方面的客观现状和主观感受相对较差。客观现状部分:合同制护士最满意的是参加继续教育,最不满意的是未享受"五险一金";主观感受部分:最满意的是与家人的关系,最不满意的是薪酬待遇。结论医院分配制度欠合理,合同制护士职位升迁、职称晋升机会极少;医院给予合同制护士的机会不公平;收入低于北京平均收入水平:是护理管理者应该注重改善的问题。 Objective To learn about the living status quo of contracted nurses, and thus to provide references for stabilizing the nursing force and improving the nursing quality. Methods A survey was conducted on the living status quo of 349 contracted nurses, chosen by convenience sampling from 4 Class Ⅲ Grade Ⅰ hospitals and 7 Class Ⅱ Grade Ⅰ hospitals in Beijing, including their physiology, safety, the sense of love and belonging, self-esteem and self-realization, each of the which comprised the objective existence and the subjective feeling. Results The nurses were satisfied in the aspects of sense of love and belonging, while the other four aspects were comparatively poor. The objective existence which the nurses were the most satisfied in was their ability to receive further education, which they were the most dissatisfied in was their inability to enjoy the "five insurances and one bonus". The subjective feeling they were the most satisfied in was their relationship with their family, while which they were the most dissatisfied in was the payment and other treatments. Conclusion The hospital's distribution system is not irrational enough, under which contracted nurses had scarce chances of promotion and a lower-than-the-average payment, two aspects remaining to be improved.
出处 《护理学报》 2009年第3期24-26,共3页 Journal of Nursing(China)
关键词 北京市 合同制护士 生存现状 Beijing contracted nurse status quo of living
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