
非意愿妊娠妇女避孕与终止现况的调查与分析 被引量:2

Investigation and Analysis of Contraception and Terminating in Unwanted Pregnant Women
摘要 目的了解因意外妊娠实施人工流产妇女所采用的避孕方法、紧急避孕知识的掌握和应用,以及人工流产的原因,为计划生育提供参考依据。方法随机选择在泰山医学院附属医院妇产科门诊做人工流产的妇女200例,进行问卷调查。结果有1次以上流产史的为46%;使用避孕措施的为96%;采用紧急避孕措施的为24%;其中6%的妇女认为如果再次妊娠会再次实施人工流产。结论调查人群中,意外妊娠率高并把人工流产作为控制生育的方法,紧急避孕知识的知晓率低。应加强计划生育教育及对避孕方法的咨询和指导,特别是未婚青年,从而降低意外妊娠率。 Objective To determine contraception methods used by women of voluntary abortion, their use of knowledge of emergency contraception,and reasons for abortion in unwanted pregnant women. Methods A questionnaire was completed in face-to-face interviews in 200 randomly selected women, who requested abortion for termination of their pregnancy at the affiliated hospital of Taishan medical college. Results Result shows that 46% had had previous abortions;96% used some methods of family planning; 24% used emergency contraceptives. 6% of the women indicated that they would have another abortion in case of pregnant again. Conclusion Inadequate knowledge of emergency contraception was believed to account for high level of unwanted pregnancy rate. These was an urgent need to develop sex education about contraception among young women and men, through enhaning perception about risk of unwanted pregnancy and complications of induced abortion among unmarried young women.
出处 《解放军护理杂志》 2009年第4期27-29,共3页 Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
关键词 非意愿妊娠 人工流产 紧急避孕 计划生育 unwanted pregnancy abortion emergency contraceotion family nlanning
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