
电动轮自卸车的可靠性及故障模式研究 被引量:2

Service Reliability and Failure Model Effect Analysis of Motor Dump Trucks
摘要 根据对108吨大型电动轮自卸车结构功能的分析及其工业运行状况的调查统计,应用故障模式影响分析方法(FMEA),研究了自卸车的使用可靠性,分析确定了影响可靠性的关键系统和关键故障模式,提出了改进措施和排除关键故障的方法。结果表明自卸车的使用可用度为55.2%,牵引系统和制动系统是自卸车的关键系统,电动机环火、无刹车、无牵引为关键故障。 The service reliability and failure model of motor dump trucks are investigated in detail by using FMEA method and statistical data taken from extensive operation of heaven duty truck which has tonnage of 108. Key system as well as crux failure model to all of the trucks are detected, and a series of measures are proposed and testified to improve quality and clear fault. The result is showed that: the operational availability of dump truck used now is estimated at 55.2%,tow system and brake system are key system. Ring fire of motor by short circuit, no brake and no tow are crux failure model.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期82-84,共3页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家"八五"科技攻关项目资助课题
关键词 自卸车 可靠性 故障模式 电动轮 露天矿运输 Dump truck Service of reliability Failure model
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  • 1机械科学研究院编.机电产品可靠性考接评定方法汇编(第一集).1990.
  • 2孙惠琴等.可靠性工程技术.机械科学研究院,1990.
  • 3机械科学研究院编.推土机整机可靠性评定技术研究,1990.
  • 4[日]川崎义人等著.可靠性技术丛书1-1.5.北京:机械工业出版社,1987.



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