目的探讨有考研意向的大学生的心理压力对其睡眠状况的影响。方法采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)对1 856名有考研意向的大学生的睡眠状况进行调查评估,另取无考研意向的1 901名大学生作为对照组,比较二组睡眠状况的差异。结果有考研意向的大学生在睡眠效率方面优于无考研意向的大学生,在睡眠质量、睡眠时间、睡眠障碍及日间障碍方面均不如无考研意向的大学生,而在药物使用、入睡时间上则无明显差异。结论考研学生已成为大学校园中一个特殊群体,他们面临着更多的压力及睡眠问题,我们应该加以重视并有针对性的加强健康教育。
Objective To explore the stressor to the sleep quality in college students with the intention to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Methods A total of 1 856 college students with the intention to take entrance examination of postgraduate and 1 902 other college students without the intention were tested with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results The students with the intention to take the postgraduate entrance examination had a good sleep efficiency but also had some sleep problems, such as the poorer sleep quality and sleep time, sleep obstruction and daytime dysfunction. For the use of sleep medication and sleep latency, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions The students with the intention to take the postgraduate entrance examination have been a special group in the college campus, and they have more stressor and problems to the sleep quality. We should pay more attention to them and intensify the health education.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor
Intention to Take Postgraduate Entrance Examination
Student Health Services