本文取人胚胎眼45只,石蜡切片,HE 染色和组织化学方法染色,光镜下观察晶状体和玻璃体。7周胚晶状体为圆球形,原始玻璃体形成。13—14周晶状体为扁圆形,其中央形成胚胎核;晶状体的外围形成晶状体囊和晶体状体血管膜;原始玻璃体逐渐退化,次级玻璃体形成,三级玻璃体原基出现。15—20周原始玻璃体全部消失,三级玻璃体更明显。32周晶状体血管膜完全消失;玻璃体外周部的胶原纤维和酸性粘多糖逐渐比中央加多;晶状体和玻璃体的PAS 反应阳性。Alcian 蓝反应为弱阳性。
Sections cf 45 eyes taken from human fetuses were studied after beingtained by the method of Histology and Histochemistry.Lens and vitreums wereobserved with LM.When fetal age is 7 weeks,the lens is round and the embryoof vitreum is formed.When about 13—14 weeks,the lens is oblate with the embyinucleus formed in the center.The lens capsule and vascular tunic are formed roundthe lens.The primordial vitreum gradually degenerates,the secondary vitreum sformed,and the embryo of the tertiary vitreum appears.When about 15-20 weeks,the primordial vitreum disappears completely and the tertiary vitreum becomes cle-arer.When about 32 weeks,the vascular tunic of the lens disappears altogether,collagen fibrils and acid mucopoiysaccharide round the vitreum gradually becomesmore than those in the center,and a PAS positiv(?) reaction and Alician blue weakpositive reaction are observed in the lens and vitreum.
Journal of Jining Medical University