以牛的ANGPTL1基因为研究对象,利用生物信息学方法,对牛的ANGPTL1基因进行了电子克隆和序列分析,并对推导出的ANGPTL1蛋白结构与性质进行了初步分析。结果表明,牛的ANGPTL1基因序列长为2576 bp,该基因的编码序列长为1 476 bp,编码492个氨基酸,编码序列的两翼有135 bp的5’非编码区和785 bp的3’非编码区。DNA序列的G+C百分含量为44.31%,A+T百分含量为55.69%。该基因的核苷酸序列与人、黑猩猩、鼠和狗ANGPTL1基因的cDNA序列的相似性分别为91%、90%、82%和93%。在氨基酸序列上与人、黑猩猩、鼠和狗的相似性分别为95%、95%、92%和95%。用氨基酸序列构建的进化树显示,在人、牛、黑猩猩、狗、褐鼠、原鸡几种动物中,牛与狗的亲缘关系最近。
The study analyzed the ANGPTL1 sequence of cattle. Sequence analysis and bioinformatics study showed that this cDNA contained 2 576 nucleotides, with a 1 476 bp open reading frame (ORF) flanked by a 135 bp 5'UTR (incompletely) and a 785 bp 3'UTR. The CDS of the obtained bovine ANGPTL1 gene shows 91%, 90 % ,82 % ,and 93% identity with the corresponding, human, chimpanzee, rattus and dog, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence (492AA) shows 95%, 95%, 92% and 95% identity with the corresponding, human, chimpanzee, pig and dog, respectively. Analyzed results for phylogenetic tree of the amino acid sequences of cattle ANGPTL1 and other ANGPTL1 proteins in human and other animals showed that, among all above-mentioned species, the nearest relationship existed between cattle and dog as comparison to the relationship between cattle and other species.
Journal of Xinxiang University